It has been a lifetime of music.  From the age of 14, I was performing professionally with my Dad.

I remember my first gig like it was yesterday.  I was still at College and the thrill of being around Mum and Dad’s friends, alcohol and their one goal ‘to party’ was super exciting for a ‘well brought up’ teenager.

Ever since I was little,  I’d always been fascinated by the ‘resonance’ that is created when you sing into wine glasses, big bathrooms or any kind of empty vessel.   I know, it’s not a normal young girl’s favourite past-time!   But I’d spend hours singing into wine glasses, making up songs and melodies just so I could hear that resonance – that sibilance.

Dad’s band and I had rehearsed.  I had practised the melody, memorised my lyrics and I was ready to debut my voice.   I was made up like Joan Collins.   I got up on stage and sang my one song.

To hear the sound of my voice through a microphone and speakers,  I thought I had died and gone to heaven.   I recall sitting back down afterwards, in front of the stage, desperately wanting to get back up again.  I was so excited.

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